
Asorzana Investment is a Bahrain-based investment business that is licensed and regulated by the Central Bank of Bahrain.

The Firm specializes in providing financial institutions, corporate customers, family offices, and high net worth individuals with bespoke consulting services, financial engineering, and asset management solutions. The Firm provides unique and differentiated investment instruments and solutions, as well as smart investment structures, in order to produce value for the Firm's stakeholders.

Asorzana Investment was founded in the summer of 2008, in the middle of a substantial shift in the global financial services landscape, with the goal of capitalizing on business possibilities created by changes in the economic, political, and regulatory environments. Asorzana Investment brings innovative ideas, a seasoned team of specialists, targeted finance, and an adaptive and flexible structure capable of establishing success models in difficult business situations to bear.

he Kingdom of Bahrain is an appropriate home base for such an idea to realize its full potential. The Central Bank of Bahrain is regarded as the Middle East's pioneer in adopting and implementing worldwide best practices in regulation, governance, and anti-money laundering. In quest of the most creative and profitable investment possibilities, the Firm aspires to expand its regional and global reach beyond Bahrain.